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Artisan Nails (Thun)

Artisan Nails has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

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About Us

Aesthetic hands and feet belong to a well-groomed appearance from my point of view. Since the care of natural nails is costly and time-intensive, I decided - like many other women - to wear artificial nails years ago.

I like creative, manual activities, which is why the activity of nail designer captivated me from the beginning. In the fall of 2011, I had the opportunity to learn foot modeling in Tanja Burri's studio and to work there as a foot designer from then on. Beautiful feet are a wellness feeling, and it is precisely this that I would like to pass on to my customers.

In the fall of 2012, I learned the basics of nail modeling from Marlise Kölliker, Nail International in Biel, in order to practice and perfect them on models. During this phase, Tanja supported me with tips. Thank you, Tanja, for your help in the start / initial phase.

Since spring 2013 I have been working as a nail designer and I am happy every time my customers leave the nail studio with a satisfied smile.

In the fall of 2016, I decided to work under my own name and was able to announce the name of my own nail studio in December 2016. "Artisan Nails" is still located at Lerchenfeldstrasse 54 in Thun.

This text has been machine translated.


Natural nail reinforcement
French Nails
Nail Refill


Train/Bus sta­tion near­by


Prices from CHF 3.-



Location and contact

Show directions

Artisan Nails

  • office address office address

    Lerchenfeldstrasse 54 3603 Thun

  • Monika Loosli

  • Phone Phone
    0798... Show mobile number 079 898 06 86 *
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Artisan Nails has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
1 Reviews

1 reviews from older local.ch. archives

Data from June 2019

Artisan Nails has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
Average: 5,0 of 5

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Artisan Nails

Mon - Fr
08:00 - 17:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun